

“广场之夜”的票价为每张50美元,六人桌的票价为250美元,可以在网上购买 http://secure.qgiv.com/for/eveningontheplaza

或致电Micki Somers (870) 391-3242. 请在2024年4月8日前回复.

邦妮·贝克- 2024年先锋影响奖


邦妮贝克, 已故比尔·贝克的妻子, ag娱乐官网的创始校长将获得由北ark基金会颁发的2024年先锋影响力奖. 该奖项设立于2018年,旨在表彰为北达科他州和社区服务的个人.

She will be honored during the 基金会’s annual 广场之夜 dinner on Thursday, 4月18日, 2024, 下午6:30.m. 在签名银行社区室. The dinner will be preceded by a reception at 6:00 p.m. 在心房. 这个特别的活动是为了庆祝1974年成立的ag娱乐官网50周年. 

在收到她被选中的消息后, 邦妮说:“我很震惊, 谦卑和感激. 我们在新学院和整个第一员工家庭度过的美好时光如潮水般涌向我. The community college concept was new and exciting because it answered a need in our area.”

As the college celebrates its 50周年, Bonnie is overjoyed to have been a part of it. “NACC对我来说意味着整个世界. I got to be a part of my husband’s greatest joy and accomplishment beyond his family. 能在他身边真是太让人满足了. Being supportive of him in any way I could was what I enjoyed.”

邦妮指出,国会议员哈默施密特和社区的其他领导人是如何不知疲倦地通过了这项税收法案,从而使全国反歧视联盟得以成立. 随着ag娱乐官网的发展, 它最终成为了另外两所大学的种子:全国大学橄榄球联盟的课程在山之家的一个教堂里举行,这就是后来的阿肯色州立大学山之家. A store front in Rogers became Northwest Arkansas 社区 College, 全州最大的两年制大学. “I have always been very proud of that accomplishment,” Bonnie says.

Dr. Baker had a knack for making friends wherever he went because of his love of his fellow man. Bonnie said his personal mantra was “Work hard. 爱每个人. 很高兴.当他能够来到教堂时,他在教堂的最后一句话是“爱每一个人,并确保他们知道这一点。.” 

邦妮有她自己的天赋. She is a wonderful host and cook who complimented Bill’s outgoing personality. 她对待每个人都像对待家人一样. For many years, Bonnie hosted a Christmas reception for the community. In the early years it was at her home in Harrison, AR. When the JPH Conference Center was built, the reception moved there. 邦妮开始烤饼干, candy and breads three months in advance to prepare for the popular event. She recalled with a laugh; “I got a big kick when my sister, Kattie, made peanut brittle every year. It was very thin, crispy and crunchy and it came together quickly. It took about ¼ of the time it took make to make my goodies. 每个人都喜欢她的花生糖! The next year as guests arrived, they were on the lookout for a particular treat. Bonnie thought to herself “I spent all these months making cookies, candy and bread - and some people came in the door asking, “花生糖在哪里??”  

Dr. 贝克于2000年退休. 对于邦妮, the highlight of Bill’s retirement party was a performance of The Snooze Brothers, 对布鲁斯兄弟的恶搞, 一部80年代的音乐动作喜剧电影. 斯努兹兄弟由两位前副总统组成,他们后来担任临时总统, Dr. 吉姆·斯托克顿和唐·萨格. “它只是从其他所有东西中脱颖而出. 我愿意放弃一切,只想再看到那一幕! 

Bonnie现在很享受她的家人和朋友,她很高兴看到ag娱乐官网随着所有新校区的增加而成长, 体育和俱乐部, and academic programs that allow students to obtain an 教育 close to home. 

Bill and Bonnie have three children: Billy Bert Baker, II, Yosef, and Julia 贝克Howry (Randy). 她有四个孙子:艾米丽·贝克, 威廉·伯特·贝克三世(凯利), 贝克Howry, Daniel Howry and two great grandchildren: Bryce & 贝克特Howry.

凯茜·勃兰特- 2024年奥扎克大使


凯蒂布兰特 will receive the 2024 Ozark Ambassador award presented by the ag娱乐官网基金会. She will be honored during the 基金会’s annual 广场之夜 dinner on Thursday, 4月18日, 2024, 下午6:30.m. 在签名银行社区室. The dinner will be preceded by a reception at 6:00 p.m. 在心房. 这个特别的活动是为了庆祝1974年成立的ag娱乐官网50周年. 

成立于1990年, 奥扎克大使奖每年颁发给在以下一个或多个领域代表阿肯色州北部在全国取得杰出成就的人:农业, 金融, 医学, 教育, 艺术, 政治, 法律, 业务, 社会服务, 铁道部, 或行业. 

Cathy was surprised when she attended the selection committee meeting. “当评选委员会在10月下旬开会讨论和选择奥扎克大使和先锋影响奖的提名者时,委员会成员查尔斯·阿代尔, 肯·里维斯和丹·鲍尔斯, Dr. 里克·马森格尔突然告诉我,奥扎克大使奖的获得者已经被选定了,而且是我. I tried to decline but there was no saying no to those guys.”

She was overwhelmed and did not feel worthy of the award. 然而, 那些多年来依靠她领导的人坚定地认可了她在当地的许多贡献, 横跨整个州,甚至到其他国家. She has been president of Arkansas State Chapter of Philanthropic Educational Organization (P.E.O),然后担任P.E.O. 国际基金会理事会工作6年. 她还曾任职于阿肯色浸信会基金会和阿肯色浸信会州大会执行委员会. She traveled with church and Baptist state mission teams to Germany, 巴厘岛, 巴西, Canada with hand chime choirs and taught hand chimes to children and adults on those trips. 她在当地的社区服务包括在哈里森学校董事会任职20年,退休后她与Dr. Charles Adair to establish the Harrison Public School 基金会. 凯西说, “我为这个组织感到骄傲,为教师提供资金补助,为学区的项目提供资金.”

Cathy received a Presidential Citation from ag娱乐官网 in 2006 and the Pioneer Impact Award in 2019. 她在2011年被选为杰出女性,并继续领导杰出女性校友,以支持ag娱乐官网的奖学金. 

She taught Accounting and Economics at ag娱乐官网 as an adjunct faculty member for 24 years, 2006年退休. “我喜欢在课堂上的时光,也喜欢在课堂上与教职员工和学生们的交往,”她说。. “看到我的学生们,看到他们中有这么多人成为商界和社区的领袖,我感到很有成就感.”

Cathy’s mother, Wanda Coffman was on the 基金会 board. After her death in 1988, Cathy was asked to serve. She has now been on the 基金会 Board for 36 years and has served in all the offices, as chairman of the 广场之夜 event, chairman of the Investment committee and other board committees. “我很荣幸在原委员会成员去世后被邀请担任奥扎克大使委员会主席, 约翰·保罗·汉默施密特, Dr. 比尔·贝克,J. E. Dunlap, Richard Hudson and Frank Lee Coffman, Jr.” Following the death of 约翰·保罗·汉默施密特, John Arthur Hammerschmidt asked her to serve on the JPH讲座系列 Committee. She has served three times on the Presidential Selection committee for the college president. 

凯西和她的丈夫, Larry have been an important part of the growth and advancement of the college. 他们支持一项捐赠奖学金,为非传统学生提供经济支持,并为先锋别墅宿舍提供资金. Her work with Boone County Economic Development Corporation allowed for a $700,000K donation for the college’s Center for Robotics and Manufacturing currently under construction.

凯西和拉里有两个儿子. Dr. Jason Brandt and wife, Jana of Jonesboro and Jeff Brandt and wife, Wendi of Harrison. They enjoy five grandchildren: Will Brandt, Samantha Brandt Favre, Grace, Ella and J Henry Brandt.



北阿肯色地区医疗中心(NARMC)护理主任唐娜Boehm将获得由ag娱乐官网基金会颁发的2024年ag娱乐官网杰出校友奖. She will be honored during the 基金会’s annual 广场之夜 dinner on Thursday, 4月18日, 2024, 下午6:30.m. 在签名银行社区室. The dinner will be preceded by a reception at 6:00 p.m. 在心房. 这个特别的活动是为了庆祝1974年成立的ag娱乐官网50周年. 

“被选为北大杰出校友奖给了我一种自豪感和成就感,唐娜说. “It signifies recognition for my contributions and achievements, as well as validation for the efforts put into my development and growth.”

Donna is thankful ag娱乐官网 was an option for getting an 教育. 她于1995年毕业于ag娱乐官网,获得护理副学士学位,自1992年以来一直受雇于NARMC. “就读ag娱乐官网给了我很多好处,比如成本效益高,还有家人和朋友的支持. Attending college in my hometown allowed me to stay connected to my community, 参加我孩子的体育比赛, and I was able to work in my community hospital while I was getting my degree. The smaller classes and the one-on-one support were invaluable. Going back to school in your 30’s and having a family is challenging.  ag娱乐官网 was there to provide support in those challenging times.”

一旦她开始工作, 她发现临床和沟通技巧对于为病人提供高质量的护理和确保他们的健康至关重要. “北达科他州教会了我这些技能,为我的成功打下了坚实的基础,”她说。. 


Donna is a highly competent Registered Nurse with 30 years of experience in orthopedics, 儿科, 泌尿外科, and medical-surgical including three years of ICU experience. She supervises over 250 nurses and utilizes a multidisciplinary, 以合作的方式推动护理质量和卓越的表现,以实现业务和临床的成功. 在过去的五年中,她还在多次前往墨西哥的任务旅行中提供护理服务,并担任急诊医学办公室的志愿者委员会成员. 

“My current role is multifaceted,” Donna commented. “I have always had a passion for patient care and leadership development. 与患者及其家属互动, 见证他们的康复, 看到他们在住院后在社区中茁壮成长是有益的,并突出了NARMC提供的护理的影响. 专注于将护士提升到领导角色,并实施优先考虑患者安全护理和员工福祉的流程,有助于我们的医疗团队和组织的整体成功和有效性.” 

Donna has three children: Tyler, Morgan, Jason and one grandson Brayden. 在她空闲的时候, 她喜欢划船。, 旅行, 音乐会和戏剧, 去看足球和篮球比赛. 
